How to Practice Longer Hours

While I was at the Manhattan School of Music, I came across a method that changed my practice life forever. It’s called the “20/5 Rule,” which states to practice for 20 minutes and rest/plan for 5 minutes. After using this method, I learned we get less resistance from the body before and during the practice. Less resistance pushes us into a peaceful and acceptance state of being, which helps us build a better emotional connection to practicing and the information itself.

Breaking up the practice session into sets, helps the body recover the energy expended, while the brain creates new synaptic connections. There was a time when I would practice for 2-5 hours with little to no break. In my experience, that’s a recipe to burn out, which is exactly what happened to me. As we learn to listen to what the body is telling us, we develop a knowledge of what the body needs before, during, and after a practice session. Sometimes it’s just a fruit, a breath of fresh air, a good stretch, or water as it senses we are using precious resources in the brain and it wants to show up for us. Let’s work together with the body. In the end, it’s the only one we’ll ever be in.

Remember the 20/5 Rule and use it often! You can build a new habit of doing, thinking, and feeling with repetition. You will hear, and feel the benefits of this method within a week.

Happy practicing!

- Darwin

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Darwin Noguera